Monday, March 10, 2014

Curriculum Choice for 3rd Grade/Pre-K

I'm so excited! We have chosen and gotten our curriculum for next year! YAY! We spent about $1,500 for our curriculum for the entire year! This is all relative because some people homeschool for nearly free and others spend a lot.

After reading books, googling, asking friends, and praying I have come to a choice about curriculum for our school year 2014-2015.

Caleb will be in 3rd grade and Cohen will be doing Pre-K and I guess June will be tot-school! :-) I say that because she is such a girl. She just wants to sit and color and draw. Way more than Cohen. It is so fun to watch the differences between boys and girls.

First we will be doing Classical Conversations!
Caleb and Cohen will both be in a class and June will be in the nursery. We will be apart of a community that meets once a week. I will be involved in their classrooms. Their teachers are actually called tutors. They will be learning grammar, history, latin, math, science, art, music. Check out the website to learn all about classical education.
This is separate from the curriculum we will be doing at home. The main reason we are doing this is to be apart of a community of homeschoolers. I need this for my first year to be with fellow moms for support and so my children can have a group of friends.
We have been doing it for a few weeks and we love it!

We choose My Father's World for our main curriculum.
I chose this because it is Christian, it fit with my teaching style and Caleb's learning style, it is completely mapped out for the whole year, affordable, great reviews, and I know friends who have used it.

Preschool: The preschool curriculum is perfect for what I wanted to do with Cohen (and for June to tag along). It has mainly all manipulatives for hands on learning, bible stories, bible songs, intro of the alphabet, numbers, and colors. I do NOT agree with 4 year olds sitting and writing. It is NOT developmentally appropriate. Cohen will have tons of books read to him, hands on fun, and lots of PLAY! Children learn best through play. My focus is to read to Cohen and June as much as possible.

3rd Grade: The focus of the year will be US History. The curriculum includes: bible, history&geography, science, art and music. I had to add in math and language arts to make it complete. I added in Singapore math and 3rd grade language arts.

The kit came with tons of books for reading alone and read alouds. Also included for each week is a list of books to check out from the library as extras for reading time. I hope to make it apart of our schedule to visit the library every 2 weeks. I will check out some suggested books for our book basket that go along with what we are learning and I will also let the children pick some books. I'm hoping my children will love to read and have fun!

I wanted something completely mapped out for our first year. I know things will change and I will grow. Everyone I have talked to has changed curriculums many times through the years. Who knows what the year after will bring. I've already gone through all the stuff for next year numerous times and I can't wait to start!

Also, a quick note to those who may be like I used to be. This is just in case someone is reading this and secretly wants to homeschool like I was before. It is NOT scary. There are so many resources, groups, support, and curriculum's that fit everyone! Do not be afraid. If God is telling you to do it, than do it!

Price breakdown for those who are interested!
Classical Conversations: I don't have a total yet, but it will be about $1,000 for the entire year for all the kids.
My Father's World: $408
Amazon (so far) HA!: $89

Adventures Deluxe Package

Thoughts on the Past Few Weeks

I thought today how life is ever changing and I used to think that I feared change. It is amazing how much I have grown and changed over the years. I'm so surprised where God has brought me. I would have NEVER pictured my life like this when I was in high school or even when Joey and I first got married.

Joey and I prayed and believed that this is what God wanted for our life and we stepped out in faith. Yes, we were frightened and unsure, but it felt right. The changes we have seen in Caleb are profound. He is just happy, plain and simple, he seems at peace. We are not rushed anymore and he is just so much more calm. He is happy to do what I assign him and he has not given me any trouble yet. I'm sure we will experience times when he pushes back, but it hasn't happened yet.

We have really been trying to get used to this new freedom. I've had a hard time getting on a schedule with simple things, like when do I grocery shop? We've gotten behind on groceries, laundry, housework, and showers, LOL...basically because we have been so focused to learning and school that the other is just not important.

Each day we have really tried to do a bible devotion/story first and prayer! I feel like our day just goes better if we take that time to set our eyes and thoughts on God. To be completely honest we haven't always had bible time as a family. We have always prayed together, but never a set devotion time. Now I feel that it is crucial and what we should have been doing all along. It is just amazing to see where God is leading our family.

I just hope people see that I am honest about our struggles. We are going through a transition, but we feel this is what God wants for our family. I see my children growing and learning together and being best friends.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What Curriculum do you use?

2nd most common question!

This question kind of makes me laugh. I was so guilty of asking this question to homeschool parents, but really if you haven't researched homeschool curriculum's then the question is actually pretty silly. I would ask and they would tell me, but its not like I understood. And I feel when I tell people they don't really know what I'm talking about either.

On the advice of many I have read Cathy Duffy's "101 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum"
This book is AMAZING! You learn your philosophy, your child(ren) learning style, what fits your family, how much time you have, money to spend, etc. Then there is a huge chart of her picks for homeschool curriculum's with all of those things listed in columns. Then you are able to sort through the best choice for you and your family.

At first I was leaning towards Sonlight. It appealed to both my teaching style and Caleb's learning style. After researching and talking to people it seems that it is a lot of work for the parent (2-3 hours a day prep time) and with 2 little ones at home I do not believe I can accomplish this. Plus it is pretty expensive, around $1,000.

We are pretty sure we are going to do My Father's World. It gets excellent reviews and I know someone who has used it for years. It is Christian and covers all subjects. For everything to complete next year is about $600. You must pick your own language arts and Math. We are going to be doing Singapore Math. Everyone I know uses it and Caleb was using it in school and he excelled in it.

To finish up 2nd grade I am doing a hodgepodge of things. Basically I am making it up as I go along. Which has been quite a bit of work for me. For one I wasn't going to spend the money for a complete curriculum for just a couple of months. We are doing Singapore math book 2A. For reading right now Caleb is reading the first Harry Potter book and I am making activities to go along with it. We are doing Reading, Writing, and Grammar out of workbooks. He is writing in a journal everyday and it varies to what I assign him. We start each day with bible story and prayer. We are doing Science experiments about 2 times a week and Art about the same. We are also doing some read alouds together. I've been doing lots of hands on things for Cohen and June so they can join us at the table. We plan on a lot of field trips too! Caleb is about to start researching animals before we go to the Zoo. This week he is researching about Chickens, b/c we have been invited to some some church member's house to play with their chickens!

We will also be doing Classical Conversations which we start this Thursday. There is only 6 weeks left and we only meet on Thursdays. This time will help me decide it we do it next year. It appeals to us because it will create a since of community with others and parents stay and are completely involved.

We have only been homeschooling for just over 2 weeks and it was interrupted by snow and Winter Break. We had already planned a staycation, Joey, my Mom and Dad all took vacation for the week.

So far our days are going well. There has certainly been plenty of frustration, but the time with my children has been priceless. I love not having to rush around in the mornings. We just wake up when we want. I drink coffee while they eat breakfast and watch cartoons. TV goes off around 9-9:30. We start school. We break for snack then have more school. Then we have lunch and more school. Then we have a quiet time. Sometimes more school in the afternoon which is normally Science or Art. If it is nice we all go outside. This has been our flexible schedule for now. Things will change. We are using this time to find a good fit for us. Some days we don't even get out of our jammies, but other days I have us all get dressed, b/c I feel like we need to. LOL!

It is all a learning experience. I keep telling myself that it is about the journey and not the destination.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Why We Have Decided to Homeschool

The most common question: Why did you decide to homeschool?

The answer might be long!

I never imagined we would ever do this. And I really mean NEVER! I have always loved public school and I enjoyed my own public school experience. When I was 5 I told everyone I would be a teacher. Then after Caleb was born I started college at KSU to become an Elementary Teacher! Hoping to teach a grade between K-2. I like the little ones! I even considered doing Preschool. (I finished 3 years and am considered a Senior. I have TOSS & Student Teaching left)

Now on to Caleb. Joey and I had a hard time conceiving after Caleb and I was so sad he didn't have a brother or sister to play with. I was apart of a playgroup, but I wanted him to have more social interaction. When he was 3 we put him in a 3 day a week preschool for 4 hours each day. It really was the perfect set up. By this time we got pregnant, FINALLY, after 2 years of trying and 1 miscarriage. Thank you God! We were over the moon that Caleb would finally have a sibling. Anyways, the schedule was perfect. I had a few hours to myself each week to do what I want and get ready for new baby. Caleb loved school. I knew he was getting to play, learn, and make friends.

Then preschool was over and I had to make the very hard decision about Pre-K. At the time I was in my Preschool Curriculum class at Kennesaw. The Professor and fellow classmates brought it to my attention how most, not all, church preschools make the children sit and write way more than a little 4 year old should. Caleb too being a wiggly boy, I didn't think he would thrive. I made the hard decision to put him in Ga Pre-K. I hated that he had to be there from 8-2:30, but my education at Kennesaw led me to believe it was the best environment because it was center based playing for learning. Also, Pre-K is now our version of Kindergarten. I felt he wouldn't get all the fun play if I didn't send him. At this time too, Cohen was born in June so I had a newborn to take care of. I felt I would not be able to give Caleb all he needed. It was a trade off b/c I would have much rather him have the schedule of a church Preschool.

Caleb did amazing in Ga Pre-K! His teachers were excellent and I was able to be involved, but my heart did ache a lot having him there for such a long day. He was ahead in everything and his teacher loved how helpful and compassionate he was. She told me she had never met a child with so much empathy!

Now on to Kindergarten we went! What a sad day. I cried, but again I thought this is where he needed to be. I loved his teacher! She was so great with him and was the first person who told me she thought he was gifted and requested to have him tested. He had a great year.

On to first grade, again we got a great teacher! Caleb had some issues with talking, but she was a confessed talker too and was able to keep it under control throughout the year. He was tested for AIM, but did not make it in. He is basically on the line. There are 4 sections of the testing. He made it into 2, but you have to make it into 3.

On to 2nd grade. Again, he got a great teacher! And though he didn't make it into AIM, he was given all he needed, b/c she was certified in the gifted area. He was having some issues in school. Not major, but enough to cause some consideration. Of course he was a talker, but now he was not doing the work he was supposed to be doing. He was bored throughout the majority of his day. He would cry about not wanting to go to school. How he missed us and wanted to be with us. He would count down the hours to come home. His school and teacher were excellent. It was not about his school or teacher, it was about HIM!

Because of his troubles, I started reaching out to other homeschooling moms I knew, reading books, and of course googling like crazy! I was amazed at what I discovered and how the myths of homeschooling were just that. MYTHS! So many, I can't even go into them all. I felt God leading me to all this research. Joey and I started praying like crazy and having conversations about how we could change our whole lives! How we could be together as a family and grow together and learn together. How we can spend the majority or our time together instead of separated! And with Joey's nursing schedule he will be able to see the children so much more. Joey was totally on board before I was! He was just simply ready and excited. I was scared and unsure, but I felt this tug at my heart and God telling me to do it. First time I have ever felt sure about what God was telling me. To just jump in and do it. I am not perfect, but I am his mother and God will give me what I need to teach him. I have to rely on JESUS!

One major worry was MONEY! Our plan was for me to become a teacher once all the kids were in school. Well I am getting my 5 grade old wish, but I will be payed by hugs instead of money! This means I will not be working anytime in the near future. I was worried about the stress this would put on my husband. He believes this is what we should be doing so he put that worry down. He wants me to be with the children. We live on a Nurse's salary for goodness sake, but God has always provided. He plans to go back to school and eventually his goal is to be a Nurse Practitioner. Long away from now. We laugh that we have always struggled with money in our almost 11 years of marriage. SO we are used to budgeting/couponing/and being happy with old stuff. HAHAHAA! We are used to being poor. We just have to be happy with what we have and not focus on what we don't have.

I don't want to share all my new beliefs about public school, because I don't want to come off as if I am against public school. Because I am not! I know it is a sensitive subject. I am NOT supermom. I have MANY struggles. Each individual family has to do what is best for them.

I would like to share our ups and downs of homeschooling and offer any help to those who are considering it. It is NOT at all scary and hard like so many people think. There are so many groups, resources, and information!

We are going to be doing Classical Conversations on Thursdays. Caleb will still be involved at church and Cub Scouts and having playdates. So he will still be involved in a community of friends and family.

Later I will talk about Curriculum's. I'm still decided on 3rd grade. 2nd grade is a combination right now and I will talk about it in a later post.

Here are so amazing books that helped me come to my decision. (Prayer being the main)

1. Best Homeschool Curriculum's out there:

2. How Children Learn:

3. Called Home (God Leading your Homeschool)

4. This book is about a woman who homeschooled 4 children over 20 years. Basic info!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Hello! This is my first blog post. I've decided to blog about our homeschooling adventures instead of journaling or filling up facebook.

I hope you enjoy hearing about our adventures in homeschooling our children, Caleb, Cohen, and June!